Lowe Budget Digital Products


Stop Staying Stuck mockup_staciaraelowe.com

Stop Staying Stuck: Taking That First Step Into Financial Peace of Mind

Are you tired of feeling anxious about whether or not you’ll have enough money in your bank account over the month, and just need something to change? This eBook provides a perspective shift that gets to the heart of the matter . . . of money.

Get the support and motivation you need to help you start being intentional with your spending and savings so that you can reach your financial goals sooner! 

  • Maybe you’re a one-income family and you’re doing your best as a stay-at-home mom to care for your family and home, but want to do something more to contribute to your family’s financial stability.
  • Are you dreading teaching your children financial responsibility when you don’t know where to begin?
  • Do you need to pay off debt sooner than later?
  • Wondering when you’ll be able to take that vacation of your dreams without breaking the bank?

Then this is an easy read you won’t want to pass up!

Sign up to get this eBook for FREE and learn more about how my Lowe Budget schedules can help you with your financial planning!

A prepared mind is a peaceful mind.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.
Isaiah 26:3-4

Know what you’re spending before you spend it.
With a budget, YOU ARE IN CONTROL of your spending and savings.
Reduce your expenses and increase your savings to reach your financial goals sooner.


Ways to Save

Reducing expenses is just as effective as increasing income when it comes to budgeting. The first thing you need when starting a budget is a goal! What do you want your money to do for you? What is your financial goal? Do you have more than one? Saving up to buy a car? Maybe a spending spree on vacation? These are all things to consider when budgeting. Once you have that figured out, you just have to jump in!

TRUST ME. Your budget is more scared of you than you are of it!

Next, you’ll need to examine your spending habits. In order to know what you’re going to spend in months to come, you need to know how you’ve already been spending. Print out my free Cash Tracker from my Download Library to track your spending from last month. With this tool, you’ll be better prepared to use our first budget schedule – Savings Calculator.

The idea is to take the amount of spending from last month, and reduce each spending category by a little (or a lot), so the new number becomes this month’s budgeted amount. Try it out with this easy-to-use Savings Calculator.

sample savings calculator_lowe budget products_staciaraelowe.com
Savings Calculator | $5.97
Additional 15% Discount

“This Savings Calculator really helped me to see where money was actually going (as opposed to where I thought it was going) for the previous month. This tool helped us reprioritize spending for this month, hopeful that tracking expenses will actually lead to savings we can see! Tangible and easy to use!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Julie, Mom of 3


a month ago


Parents are the best teachers for their children, but sometimes they have to first start as the students themselves. And if I can take the hard part out of budgeting lessons, I’m glad to help! Input your earning and spending budgeted amounts (that you’ve already figured out using the Savings Calculator) or have your student use different income and expense scenarios to practice organizing the timing of cash flow in order to maximize savings.

Make budgeting fun when you work on it together with your children! Prepare them early for financial responsibility so that when they’re on their own, they’ll have the tools and knowledge to thrive!

Student Budget Mockup_staciaraelowe.com
Student Budget | $34.99
Additional 15% Discount

“It’s a great tool for parents to teach financial literacy in simplified terms. The directions are straightforward and teach basic strategies for investment and spending habits. This brings awareness to what our culture today often glosses over as unimportant, as the majority of Americans slide into crippling debt. This tool can help prevent that future pain!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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Megan, Mom of 2


Input your earning and spending budgeted amounts (that you’ve already figured out using the Savings Calculator!) into this 3-month budgeting schedule to see an overview of the quarter. That way you’ll know what you should be spending in all the different categories of life… groceries, gas, spending cash, school, debt payments and so many more… to be able to increase your savings and reach your financial goals sooner!

Do you want to pay off credit card debt, or save for college tuition? This 3-Month Budget is a great place to start!

3-Month Budget | $36.99
Additional 15% Discount

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“When I was laid off from my traditional job in June of 2022, I was an anxious mess. Within minutes, though, Stacia came to me and said she’d reworked the budget she created, and we would be fine. And here we are, an entire year later, still not locked into a traditional paycheck job, and she was right, we are fine. Her budget system absolutely works, and I’d recommend it to anyone.”

Adam Lowe, Dad of 4

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Budgeting is not something I fondly like doing. In fact, it’s very scary for me! But with the Lowe Budget 3-Month Schedule, it was easy to input our income and expenses to see a forecast of where all of our money was going. I feel so much better being able to see an overview of our family’s finances. I am less overwhelmed and more intentional and conscious with our spending habits.”

Linda Yang, Mom of 4


Check out my Resource Library where you can find all the freebies that I’ve created with YOU in mind. I want to help you accomplish your financial goals… without the headache!

The first thing you can do to turn last month’s spending into this month’s savings is to keep track of all your spending over the month with the Cash Tracker.

And then dream BIG! Print out my digital vision boards, and draw out your dreams to keep your eye on the prize! Put them in your purse, with your credit cards and on your fridge so that you can envision your dreams when other spending options arise. Budgeting is about being the boss of your money, and deciding beforehand how your money will work for you. Sticking to your budget is how you control your circumstances.

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  • Knit Kit Checklist_staciaraelowe.com

If you’ve made it this far, that tells me you’re at least a little curious about starting a budget. I hope you will be encouraged to know that I’m praying for you. God sees you, and He knows who I’ve been praying for as I’ve developed these digital products. It is truly my desire to help you do the hard thing today, so that you’re one day closer to financial peace of mind.

Are you curious about more Lowe Budgets coming soon? Do you want to have some input on what budgeting schedules are offered next, so you get what you really need? And what about access to exclusive offers and discounts, sound good? When you fill out my questionnaire below you’ll receive additional discounts on your order!


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