Cultivate PEACE OF MIND in your homeschool and parenting purpose, while actively contributing to your family’s financial goals from home. Find homeschool help, support and encouragement as a fellow mom!

Stacia’s desire is to support and serve other moms by sharing hope through her books, knowledge and success through her budgets, and by inspiring creativity and kindness in her knitting classes.

Motherhood is hard, because life is hard. 

And responding to the call of homeschooling your children can make it even harder at times. 

But the reward is so much greater!

By working as a Mom-team, sharing our strengths with each other, we can train our children to thrive in this hopeless world. Together we can teach them how to inspire their own growing communities with Truth, Joy & Hope.

As a wife, mother, accountant, author, knitter, teacher, musician and dancer, Stacia loves to encourage others to embrace their God-defined identities, as unique and unusual as they may be! People were made in the image of God, and God is Love. Therefore, as image bearers of Love, we can trust that God was intentional to wire each and every individual as He wanted him or her to be. 

With purpose!

With her writing grounded in biblical truth, Stacia loves to encourage young minds through her Youth Fiction to see the world with an inspired perspective. She and her husband are both published authors, and Stacia is passionate about writing God’s stories of hope and redemption in her books.

After working over 20 years in public and private accounting, Stacia now offers her Accounting Consultant services to several small businesses. It was during her five years as a single mom that she truly dug in her heels against the current of financial burdens. Intentionality with her budget was essential to prevent drowning in the financial necessities of raising her son on her own. She was even able to pay off her debt by developing healthy spending and saving habits with budgeting.

Stacia and her husband, Adam, are raising four young men between the ages of 8 and 17. And despite the financial threat that has accompanied their life challenges such as single parenting, childhood cancer, unemployment and many other roadblocks along the way, the consistent intentionality to maintain a budget has allowed her family to thrive!

Be the best teacher for your children.

“And if there are areas of their education that you would prefer the help, allow me to join you!”

Homeschool Help

  • Books
    • Read my Story of the Month youth fiction series for free!
    • My husband and I have written books to encourage and support the whole family. You can find those HERE.
  • Budgeting | Lowe Budget Digital Downloads
    • Teach your children the importance of intentional spending and saving to develop financial responsibility with your Student Budget.
    • Start the complete budget system with your free Cash Tracker to turn last month’s spending into this month’s savings.
    • Next, add up all the ways to save with your Savings Calculator. A few dollars here and there really do add up!
    • Then, with your 3-Month Budget At-a-Glance improve your intentional spending and savings with a month-to-month comparison of your budget. With my Lowe Budget schedules you can spend where you want, and save where you need.
  • Knitting Classes
    • Knot Your Average Knitting – where your students will get not only an introduction to knitting, but they will also receive an introduction to budgeting! (Charter fund accepted.)

Find her Homeschool Help on social media:
Instagram @knits.n.novels or Facebook @stacia.writes

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